Capital One

I spent a summer as a UX Intern engaging in different facets of design.


Design Systems, Accessibility, Prototyping, Design Thinking


1 Design Lead, 2 Co-Designers, (Engineering + Product in tandem)


Summer 2023

01 - The Projects
A summer wrapped in design!

While a majority of the projects I worked on are confidential and protected by NDA, I had the awesome opportunity to make real contributions to internal design systems and evaluate existing designs. The chance to have a real practice in effective design documentation and really lean into my knowledge of accessibility best practices, as well as the chance to really think about how the micro and macroecosystems of a product's design work together, were quite simply put, an awesome experience.

Please contact me if curious on learning more details about my projects!

Some example sections of a component specification I created as part of my design system work.
02 - The Experience

It's the people 🫂 around you who make the journey... and the opportunities 🚀 you grab for that make the destination!

I learned a ton about finding and building community and coalition, being assertive in pursuing my passions, and finding my place in a team. As the only intern in my team, I really stepped outside of my comfort zone to step up to bat and was able to learn so much.

03 - Feedback

I had the chance to receive feedback from my manager, the awesome Robin Roberts:

💙 "Fast tracked a critical project."
💙 "Has an eye for detail and the methodical focus to lean into minutia within complexity."
💙 "Proactively drove a level of rigor the project needed to succeed."
💙 "Demonstrated strong judgement with recommendations and problem solving."
💙 "Autonomous self starter!"